The Christchurch Disaster

Neighbourhood Video

Footage Of Chiles Worst Ever Quake.

And The Tsunami That Followed..

Kesennuma Port Miyagi Terrifying Footage


San Francisco

Could This Really Happen.....Scientists Seem To Think It Will !!!!!!

And This Is From The Movie 'Deep Impact'......

This was the latest Broadcast I Did Monday 28th March 2011

Heres The First of Two Broadcasts I Did on Saturday 26/03/11

And Heres The Second...

Heres The 5th Broadcast

Just a I Came Off The Air This Happened:
MAG 6.8 2011/03/24 13:55:12 20.705 99.949 10.0 MYANMAR
MAG 4.8 2011/03/24 14:23:53 20.595 99.862 10.2 MYANMAR
Thailand Has Two Quakes In Quick Concession....

Indonesia 2004.

Japan 2011.

I Dont Think Anyone Will Ever Forget These Images...

Heres Kwakewatch 3 Livecast Recording:

 This list makes Magnitude Strengths Easy To Follow.

Less than 2.0     Micro     Micro earthquakes, not felt. ..About 8,000 per day
2.0–2.9     Minor     Generally not felt, but recorded.     About 1,000 per day
3.0–3.9     Often felt, but rarely causes damage.     49,000 per year (est.)
4.0–4.9     Light     Noticeable shaking of indoor items, rattling noises. Significant damage unlikely.     6,200 per year (est.)
5.0–5.9     Moderate     Can cause major damage to poorly constructed buildings over small regions. At most slight damage to well-designed buildings.     800 per year
6.0–6.9     Strong     Can be destructive in areas up to about 160 kilometres (100 mi) across in populated areas.     120 per year
7.0–7.9     Major     Can cause serious damage over larger areas.     18 per year
8.0–8.9     Great     Can cause serious damage in areas several hundred kilometres across.     1 per year
9.0–9.9     Devastating in areas several thousand kilometres across.
    1 per 20 years
10.0+     Massive     Never recorded, widespread devastation across very large areas; see below for equivalent seismic energy yield.
    Extremely rare (Unknown)

And heres the second broadcast ...

Heres the introduction i did in my first attempt at Live casting.

Kwakewatch is a Ustream production where i broadcast information based in real time with the latest earthquakes and just about anything else mother nature deams fit to throw at us...ive done two Livecasts up to yet and hope to capture a worldwide audience in time.....

Heres The Introduction:

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